Disliked{quote} yeah ... if anything from mladen n mrtool ... it's so much fun thanks ... mntiwanaIgnored
Here is Mladen's EFT toy,extended some extra features,histo tweaked by Mrtools -
this is the nrp ver of EFT (histo) of Mladen -
histo based on slope color change and on zero cross
users can choose/decide whatever suits them - slope color change (the main line) filled histo and or dotted histo change-signal cross-zero cross and or rest of any combination
PS : a lot of combinations/displaying variations can be invented by playing with provided parameters
20 prices
signal line included
smoothed factor up to users defined
triple filtering feature (filter the value or price or both all together)
full alerting package
interpolated mtf
Attached File(s)
Ehlers Fisher transform 2.4 Histo mtf.ex4
44 KB